To secure that pet food and trade interests are taken into consideration, more particularly regarding contacts with public authorities for example Feed, Food Safety and Consumers authorities.

Nordic Pet food Association (NPFA) is an association for companies producing, selling and distributing prepared pet food in the Nordic countries; Denmark, Sweden, Norway Finland and Iceland.
NPFA is aiming to safeguard the interests of prepared pet food, also for the benefit of pets and pet owners.
NPFA is a member of FEDIAF – the European pet food association.
Visit FEDIAF at:
Our aim is to develop and provide prepared pet foods for companion pets that are nutritious, safe and palatable.
The members of NPFA has the following obligations;
To secure that pet food and trade interests are taken into consideration, more particularly regarding contacts with public authorities for example Feed, Food Safety and Consumers authorities.
To increase knowledge about the pet food industry as a serious and conscious industry.
To emphasise increased understanding for keeping dogs and cats as well as other pets, in the Nordic countries and to contribute in solving problems connected to pet ownership.
To collect and provide facts that are relevant to the pet food business areas, and to use the information as reference material (e g upon inquiries from authorities and media).
To participate in the development of international guidelines as nutritional, safety and marketing.
To promote sustainability and to encourage an environmentally friendly "best practice" regarding sources of purchase, production, packaging, distribution and waste handling.
To support, co-ordinate and function as information centre in cases of issues and crisis.
To act as an open discussion forum in areas of common interest for the pet food industry. The Association does not deal with questions or agreements that might mean limitations or regulations for separate member companies' competition situation.
To work for international co-operation and harmonization in order to remove trade barriers, through the membership of FEDIAF
To promote responsible pet ownership.
Would you like to know more on how to become a member of NPFA or have questions to what we do, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.